Sunday, March 6, 2011

What to write, what to write...

     ...and so I had no idea what to write about! 
Let's go back and I'll recap why I don't have anything good to write about today.
Okay, since my last 'real' post (meaning "Winterfest") I have had a busy week. At school, teachers have been practically throwing homework at us because the card marking ends next Friday and we have been out of school because of sooooooo many snow days. I've had 3 musical practices after school (2 of which were back to back on Monday and Tuesday). Talk about tiring!
     Other than the amount of work, though, school has been quiet enjoyable. If you call doing all of the work in a group project, having best friend out all week because of the flu, and having another friend down in the dumps for reasons unknown enjoyable. You see, in reading class we have this group debate project coming up. The class was first split up into topic groups, and then those groups were split into "FOR" and "AGAINST" sides. My group and I are against capital punishment. On our last day to work on it as a group, my team mates handed me their research cards, said to me, "Here, look through these and see if there is any information that we missed.", and then started talking with each other about a completely off-topic topic! I was irritated by them, but didn't know what to say to them to get them to help. Nothing I thought of would have worked, I am sure. Then one of my other friends was out Monday-Thursday with the sick. I missed her dreadfully because I wanted to talk to her about the book I was reading and I don't have any other way of contacting her besides face to face at school. She finally came back on Friday, but we didn't get much time to talk. One of my friends who was at school, however, seemed out of it. She seemed down in the dumps, especially at lunch, but when I asked her about it, she just shrugged and said everything was okay. Sounds fun, right?
      Don't feel bad though, my week hasn't been terrible. On the contrary, I had a sleepover with one of my other friends!! I do believe that this was my first sleepover in TN (not counting when family and friends from MI visited). We had a blast, at least, I did. We did each other's make-up, and I discovered that I should not become a make-up artist in the future. (Yeah, I'll admit it, it looked pretty bad/funny) I curled her hair after that, and it looked really pretty. Later, we went through some journals and stories I wrote when I was 11 years old. I remember writing some of those and the feelings I had when my gel pen touched the paper: excitement, happiness, and bliss, as well as anger, sorrow, and exasperation. We both agreed that it was pretty good writing. Then I told her a few "famous" sleepover stories such as "The Pink Golf Ball Story" and "Hannah Banana". (You'd have to be there...)
      I'm really excited about next weekend when I'll be going on the Girls' Retreat with North Boulevard C of C. We have a lot of cool crafts planned and tons of fun is promised.

     Oh! And I won a very nice prize from a drawing at the Library. To enter the drawing all I had to do was read 6 books and write a few sentences of what I thought about them-EASY! Amazingly, I won! The grand prize was a one night stay at the Double Tree Hotel (it has an indoor/outdoor pool!!!), a $75 gift card to a Japanese cuisine restaurant (not really my thing, but I'll take it), and 2 tickets to the local theater in which mom and I will be watching "OKLAHOMA!" (one of my favorite musicals)! I am uber-excited!!!

     ...and so that is why I had no idea what to write about! Sorry if this blog entry put you to sleep...

Wait a second, I guess I did have something to write about after all! It might not be as long as "Winterfest", but I think I did a pretty good job at writing when I had nothing to write about. What say you? (Remember: PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS!!)


1 comment:

  1. I have to say, you did a great blog entry for not having anyting to write about. I joined as a follower of your blog! I look forward to reading your next entries. :)
