Thursday, March 24, 2011


     I do believe that it is every author's dream to write something, to create something out of words, and to get it published. Though, once they do get it published, authors [might] tend to get a little antsy. They wonder to themselves, "Was my piece of literature any good? Did readers enjoy it, hate it, treasure it, trash it, or ignore it? What did they think when they read it? I want to know!" (at least female authors might think that way, if you get what I'm saying)
    So what does that have to do with me? Well, truth be told, I AM a published author. In print and on the web. Although my printed pieces of literature are in books with a collection of others' works. My blog, I think, makes me an author, too. For example, there are three buttons under this text box that I am typing into. One blue button says "Preview" on which shows me what my blog will look like when it is published. The next blue button says, "Save Now" so that I can save my unfinished blogs and return to them later. The last, however, is an orange button and is definitely the most important. It says "Publish Post". By clicking this button, I publish my simple piece of literature and put it out on the web so virtually anyone who comes across it could read it if they so desired. It is open for the entire world to read!!! How cool is that?
   Back to the point, authors, such as myself, crave feedback. We pour our hearts into our writing and send it off to be shared with the world, and we would love to hear what people have to say about our work! Despite what some might say, writing is a tricky thing to do, especially in the English language. There are so many words to choose from, multiple ways to set up a sentence, not to mention adding phrases and clauses to give it some flavor, writing isn't just a sit down and do it kind of thing. Writing is a sit down, think about it, and then write it kind of thing! This, what you are reading right now, is, in a way, a part of me. I am giving you a small window into my heart, and I would like to know what you think about what you see.
   And I would prefer an actual sentence or two, not just a "good job" or a virtual pat on the back. I'm glad to hear that you like it and sad to hear that you dislike it, but I really want to know "Why?". What part made you laugh so hard that milk came out your nose? What part made you bawl your eyes out? What part made your heart want to leap out of your chest because it was pounding so hard? I would like to know, please!!
   Okay, spiritual moment. If you refer back to my first blog posted, "The Wizard of Oz", I wrote about how God is like an author. After writing what I just wrote now, I realize just how true that is! He created us, he has written our lives out, and he wants to know what we think about it. He wants us to tell him how we feel about the plot of our lives. Each and every situation we face has been planned by God and he, as an author, wants to know what we think about it! He doesn't want just a little, "Dear God, thanks for everything, Amen" either. He wants a "Dear God, You amaze me every day. Thank you for my friends and family, they may be a pain sometimes, but boy do I love them! Jacob made me laugh so hard the other day, thank you for giving him such a good sense of humor, I really needed a break from all the stress lately. There is the whole deal at school, you know where Suzy told Donald that Missy said that I shaved Rachel's head. It isn't even true, Rachel and I are friends. I didn't shave her head, actually she wanted it to be shaved. She did it for cancer research. I'm not exactly sure how shaving your head will help people find a cure for cancer, but she did it and I couldn't be more proud of her. Then there is the whole deal at home... you know the one I told you about yesterday. It seems as if a dark rain cloud is hovering over my house, and I don't know if things will ever lighten up. Scratch that, I know things will lighten up because I trust you, but right now, it is really hard to keep going. Please help me through this, Father, and help Suzy and Donald and Missy, they don't know you. Help me shine your light out to them so that they might find you. Please bless Jacob and Rachel, they have been there for me for quite a while now and I am truly grateful that you have placed them in my life. Amen."  <------That is the kind of prayer God wants from us!

So, if I haven't gotten my point across yet, here is a summary:
  • Authors put there hearts into their work, and they want to know what their readers think.
  • I am an author, so I pour my heart into my writing and I'd like to know what you think about it.
  • God is an author; he as been putting his heart into every thing since the beginning of time, and he would really love it if we would tell him what we think about his book, All of Life.
That about sums it up!
I hope I have made my point clear to you.
Don't forget to leave comments.  ;) <wink, wink>


  1. I know some of you might not be able to comment on this because you don't have a gmail, Live Journal, Word Press, Type Pad, AIM, or Open ID account, which is required to be able to comment. So if you can't leave a comment directly on this blog, please leave a comment on my facebook, send me an email, or find a way to give me feed back. There is a way to follow me by email, btw. It is at the bottom of this page it says "Follow by Email" and there is a long white box with a black button that says "Submit". Just type your email in to the box to follow me. I'm not exactly sure on what it does, I think it sends out an email every time I post something, so be sure to sign up!

  2. Love your blog! You inspire me to be creative with writing, especially when you include God in it. Keep up the good work! P.S. Just finished Maximum Ride: Saving The World and Other Extreme Sports! Thank you so much for recommending the series. Your comment on how the whole world can see your writing brings me back to Fang's blog :)

  3. Megs,
    Hey there! Another awesome post...good job.
    Aunt Marcy

    Just kidding...of course, since you asked I have more to say. I almost *always* have something to say about everything! First of all, as you often do, you have hit the nail on the head. While authors primarily write for themselves (most will tell you they don't have much choice, they literally HAVE to write!)they also write to share their lives and ideas. And, really, what's the point of sharing if people don't share back?
    Second, your posts really take your writing to the next level by bringing things around full circle to God and how you relate to Him and He to you. In doing that, you are creating something that doesn't just entertain people, it can truly make a difference in their lives. For example, I am still reminded often of your story about the girl you sat next to..the one you comforted when she needed it...and that reminder of how God acted in your life that day helps me to make more Godly choices in how I behave. So, keep that up! As a writer, it will also help you to grow when you make yourself dig deeper and deeper below the surface of your life like that!
    Finally, some other things I have noticed (sorry about this part...the teacher in me just can't help it!) The light blue background with dark blue writing set on the mostly blue mountain pic, while pretty, is a little hard to read. You might want to consider changing your font to black or your background to something different. Also, and here's the really *hard* part of writng (at least for me!), edit, edit, edit. And then, when you are done with that, edit some more. I always write from my heart first, in a kind of stream-of-consciousness way, and then I go back and edit for content. Did I say what I wanted to say? Did I convey the feeling I wanted to convey? What's missing? Where did I put in too much? I usually re-read something to answer these questions so many times I am totally tired of what I wrote by the time I am done. Next, I re-read for the really boring stuff. What did spell and grammar check miss? From a reader's point of view it can be very distracting to have a well written piece interrupted by a misused or misspelled word. I HATE this part but I do it because, as a reader, I appreciate it when other authors do it! I also try to find someone else to read what I wrote before I put it out for everyone to read because, of course, I will always miss something.

    Well, that's it! did ask! Love you lots!

  4. Also, I subscribed via email and it does send the subscriber an email message any time the content on the blog page changes!

  5. Thank You for the comments and tips!!! I will definitely put them to good use. Sorry if you did catch any spelling mistakes, I only went over it once.

  6. Hey Megan! I really love this entry, it gives me a whole new perspective on what its like to be a writer! I will try to critique you more in the future... I really like how you write and just make people look at things, like praying, and give them a different way to think about it!
    I love this entry
    and sorry i am following this blog twice because i messed up my account and tried to sign in but it made me follow it twice, so...

  7. btw on your title for the site you misspelled shepard, so i hope you read this and fix it :)
