Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Wizard of Oz

 Okay, as a request from anonymous readers, this blog will be more about me and my life. Now first off, I do not want to sound self centered in any way because I am running on and on about myself, so if it looks like I am, please know that I don't mean to look self centered! 
   So, here we go:
   To be honest with you all, the move from Michigan to Tennessee was hard, at first. I left everything I had ever know: friends, family, school, even the atmosphere (not the scientific kind with air and stuff, but the kind when you feel when you are at home or at peace, the feeling you get when you think everything is in its place and as it should be). I left it all to come to an unfamiliar place, a place where almost everything was different: the way people spoke, drove, acted, and the way of life down here, it was all so confusing and hard to tell up from down (figuratively, not literally). I'd like to say that I was traumatized by the horrific situation I found myself in so much that I threw my hands up to God asking for help and putting my life fully in his care, and by doing that, I came to be closer to him. I'd like to say that, but that isn't exactly what happened. What happened can be stated in a simple sentence: I adjusted to it. Now, there was a time when I freaked out about it all, but I quickly dismissed the thought, realizing that God was in control and what ever happened was part of his big plan. So,  I did put my trust in God and I did become closer to him, but I did not fall on my knees and cry out to him or anything like that. I just accepted that "this is the way it is" and "this is the way God wants it, or at least, this is what he is allowing to happen... good things will come out of it the end." (Just think of Joseph and his coat of many colors, you'll understand that I have confidence in my theory because it has been proven in the bible.)
   I do my best to think like that now, always trying to keep a positive attitude, even in bad situations, keeping in mind, that He is the author of my life. (Interesting perspective from my mind: I love to think about God as an author, because, well, I know the what it feels like to be an author and I can make connections between an author and God. An author, you see, gets to decide who the characters are and shape them into perfect heroes or sidekicks or whatever by giving them the right personality and such, they choose what the characters do and how they do it and where they do it, and pretty much every other aspect of the story. Thinking of these characteristics, it reminds me of God. He made us, like an author makes characters; He is in control of our lives and can give us the perfect "background" that will prepare us for what ever we will have to face, just like an author; He decides how and where we'll do what ever we are supposed to do, for example, if God needs us to be in a certain place at a certain time, He'll have other things happen around us to get us there, whether it's a broken down car or moving to a new place or something entirely different. And if you really want to look at a bigger picture, know that the things that you do effect other people's lives too. God is the author and the world is His book. We are the characters and everything we do affects others and creates a chain reaction of things that we might never know about. It's hard to get your mind around, I know, but it's just another way to look at the big picture.)
   Anyway, I try to keep in mind that everything and anything happening to and around me is happening for a reason. Now, after 2 years, I am only just begging to see why I was "relocated" and what I was sent here to do. I have made many friends and I am determined to touch their lives in some way, big or small, that will somehow bring them closer to God. I'm reaching out and trying to look at the big picture. Hopefully I will be able to touch someone and inspire them. I want to be able to knock down the first domino and create a chain reaction, changing someone's life for the better. You see, the way I look at it, I've been baptized so I have been saved and will continue my search for the King, but on the way I want to pick up stranglers and help them in the right direction.
    This might sound strange, but the Wizard Of Oz comes to mind when I think about this. Picture this: I am Dorothy, and I want to find the wizard (aka God) because only he can give me something that no one else can give (in Dorothy's case it is a ride home, but for this illustration I'll say that it is to fill the God-shaped hole in my heart that can't be filled by anything else but him), so I am going to follow the yellow brick road (aka the path to righteousness). Along the way I'll meet up with the scarecrow, tin man, and cowardly lion (aka friends) who also need something from the wizard. We all follow the yellow brick road together and help each other out (aka building each other up-like the bible says to do). The Wicked Witch of the West (aka Satin) will try to stop us, but our longing for the wizard will keep us going until we reach the Emerald City (aka heaven) and are with the wizard. In the end, our hearts will be satisfied and we will have received the gift which only the wizard can give (aka love, life, etc...) and we will be with the wizard for eternity (okay, I know, that last part isn't in the movie/book, but just go with it).
   So that is my insight on the topic. Bottom line is: God is in control!
I hope you enjoyed this blog, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave comments!!! Tell me what you think or ask questions that I can answer in my next blog. As the blogger, writer, person (is there an official title for this description?!) I'd like some feedback from my dear readers!
   Thank you all!!

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