Sunday, February 27, 2011

North vs. South

Sorry for skipping out last week! Things just got so busy that I actually forgot to write something up!
Okay, as requested by a few of my readers:
I'd like to call this little tid-bit, "The Differences Between Up and Down"
 North  (Up)
Faster Life Styles- Almost everyone is almost always living in the fast lane and trying to get things done so fast that they forget to stop and sniff the roses (is that how the phrase goes?). They get up early and go to bed late, never taking the time to stop and see the beauty of life. (not pointing any fingers at you northerners up there!!)
 Car Production- Do I even need to say it? Up north they have GM, Ford, and other big car companies and factories. Down here-not so much.
 Restaurants- Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! How I miss coney islands and family diners!!!!!!!!!!!
 Weather- in the north there is A LOT of snow and it gets A LOT colder (for obvious reasons) and actually I think it gets warmer in the summer up in MI, but that's probably just me
 Economy- As I'm sure you know, the economy in the north isn't exactly "thriving"… Most of you know that better than I.

South (Down)
Slower Life Styles- actually, this accusation could be considered false, you might think that the south is all "Ride the horse to get to school and work, barbecues, and running around outside all the time", but in reality, life really isn't that different- we use cars to get around, we do have barbecues (but not all the time), nor do kids just run around all the time either. Most kids are sitting inside playing video games, watching movies, or listening to music.
 Car Production- We have Nisan!!!!! We have Nisan!!!!! (Although from our past experience with Nisan's Cube, my parents aren't real happy with them.)
 Restaurants- We have what you call  "Meat and 3" restaurants down here, here's how it works: you pick your main dish (the meat) and then you pick 3 sides. It is as simple as that.
 Weather- Rainy winters and springs, hot summers and bearable autumns- I like the weather down here!!!!!
 Economy- We are thriving down here!!! Lots of manufacturing, high tech industries,  and galore!! Not to mention TN being "the volunteer state"

So there are just a few differences that I have come across.
(I know this one is short, but I am having trouble thinking of anything to write about. Any suggestions will be appreciated.)
(Don't forget to leave comments!)

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