Sunday, February 27, 2011


     Welcome faithful blog readers!!! If you are reading this then you must have seen my post on my facebook page or I told you about it. Thank you for stopping by to read this! I have put a couple of my past blogs from fb on here. (If you haven't read them yet be sure to check them out!) I'm really excited to have an even fresher start on my new blog: Drawing January.

Info for you:
I will be try to post a weekly blog, but I might post more than one a week if I feel like it. So, if you enjoy what you read, make sure to come by at least once a week.
I plan on writing about my life and the way I see things, but I would also like ideas about what to write. Please leave any questions you'd like to know the answer to. (no personal ?'s though because this webpage is free to any viewers.)
Even if you don't have any questions, feel free to leave comments!

Bye bye for now,

PS- Do you like the cool D.J. logo by my profile? I created it all by myself!!!
Again, thank you all for just stopping by and make sure to leave comments!!


As you might have known, I was away last weekend on a trip to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, where I was with my youth group for a big shindig called Winterfest. I was in many seminars, stayed up till 12am both nights, and was enlightened in many ways. Let me tell you about it:

Book Promotion: Dinner with the Skeptics
The author went to Australia for 2 things- a baseball meeting and a church planting meeting. The church booked a 2-star(ish) hotel for him to stay at; the baseball people booked a 5-star...
So at the 5-star hotel, the manager asked him about what he did for a living. After telling her that he was a preacher, the woman smirked and the walked away. A few minutes later, she returned and invited him to have [free] dinner with her and her whole staff. He quickly replied and showed up at the hotel restaurant for dinner that night. When he got there he realized that they weren't trying to be nice, they were planning to make fun of him and embarrass him for the dinner's entertainment.
The first man asked him the question, "How can you believe in God with so much evil in the world?"
In reply the pastor said, "That is a good question. Do you mind if we go back and forth on it?"
The man, shocked to get a quick reply, answered yes.
The author's logic: If you say there is "evil" then you must be acknowledging that there is "good" because you can't have one without the other. But if you say there is "good" and there is "evil", how do YOU know what should be put under each category? Unless there is a universal moral law that defines the line between "good" and "evil", you can not decipher between the two. So who decided what that universal law said? God! Without God there is no "evil" for God is "good", without "good" or "evil" there can be no law.
This question assumes that God exists.
The pastor and the man went back and forth on this until the man realized he had picked a loosing fight. He started drinking heavily and would be drunk by the end of the night.

The next woman asked, "How can you, as a Christian claim, explain why he allows so much pain and suffering in out world?"
In answer, "That's a good question," he turns to her boyfriend sitting next to her, "Do YOU mind if we go back and forth on this?"
The boyfriend, afraid to make a fool of himself, hesitates, but then he thinks that if he can win this argument he might be able to win her heart. You must know, that throughout dinner so far this man could not take his eyes off of her, yet she ignored him. "Yeah, sure, we can go back and forth."
To the boyfriend, "Okay then, what would you say if I could give you a computer chip to place in the back of your girlfriend's head so that you could control her thoughts and actions. You would just have to type a command into a computer and she would do it. Would you like that?"
"Well of course!" he replied, greedily looking around for such a device.
"No you wouldn't"
"Yes I would."
"Oh, no you wouldn't"
"Oh, yes I would."
"No you-"
"Okay, I give up, why wouldn't I like it?"
With a smile the pastor said, "You would enjoy it a whole lot, at first, but later on, you would dread it because you would know that whatever she did or said wouldn't be from her heart, it would be from the chip. So to answer your question," he turned back to the girlfriend, "you can force someone to do many things, but you cant make them love you. The same idea applies to God, and he want our real love. So God gave us free will that we may use to CHOOSE to love him. Unfortunately, free will also opens up the door to evil. Mankind can abuse their free will and end up hurting others. Pain and suffering isn't from God, it is from Man. He can either take you out or take away your freedom in order to stop this, but if he loves you too much to take you out and if he took away your freedom he wouldn't get your freely given love.

Someone else asked, "If God is good, as described before, should he not limit some of the evil in the world?"
Pastor: "Here let me explain it this way. A father says to his child, 'Don't play in the street, it is dangerous.' The child hears his father, but goes and plays in the street anyway and then gets hit by a car. Now the child wouldn't (or couldn't) go back and say, 'Dad how could you?' It just doesn't work like that. In the same sense, God warns us about the dangers of the world in the Bible. He sets boundaries for us and if we stay within those boundaries, we will be safe. If we do not, like the child, we will get hurt. We are the ones that pain and suffering come from! We are the ones who disobeyed!"
Still puzzling over if the computer chip is real or not, the boyfriend nods his head.

"Okay then, if God is really good, as you say, then how could he send someone to hell?" another person inquires.
"We as humans have things that we MUST  do to survive. We must have food, water, and shelter. You can't say, 'I'm not going to eat.' and expect to live much longer. God, has his own requirements too. He cannot be with anything impure, unholy, or sinful. In the days of the old testament, God had his people make sacrifices to wash away their sins. Today we don't have to do this because God made the ultimate sacrifice, he gave up his one and only son to save us all and so that we may be with him. BUT, if all of your life you say, 'I don't need or want God. I want to have nothing to do with him and this religion.',when judgment day comes God will say to you, 'Okay, I'm sad that YOU CHOSE this.' and then he will send you to hell.
In recap, God is good. He set the universal law that defines the line between good and evil, clarifying what is holy and unholy. He wants our love, but he wants it given freely, not forcefully. So, he gave us the power to choose between good and evil, and he gave us instructions of how to stay pure and righteous. Unfortunately, some people have chosen to not follow him and they commit sins which create pain and suffering for themselves and others. Those who choose to not be with God while on earth, are given their wish and are sent to hell where they will be separated from God, for eternity. Those who do choose to be with him and accept him are granted passage into heaven to be with him forever."

This was what Jeff Vines, the author, told us about Saturday morning; I took thorough notes as you can see. He also gave us some tips for when up against the skeptics:
  • Ask question more than statements- the questions help people:
  • recognize self defeating questions
  • realize the importance of coherency in any world view
  • open up with their own assumptions
     And that was only Saturday morning! Later that evening, Jeff Walling gave us a very interesting perspective of life.
He had a jar, a bucket, and a large plexiglas container each full of pennies. The far held 60 pennies- one penny for every second in a minute. The bucket held 3,600 pennies- one penny for each second in an hour.
And the plexiglas held 86,400- one for each second in a whole day.
Walling told us that these pennies represent the time given to us by God. When God gives them to us, we have to rules that are ultimately unbreakable:
  1. No saving, you must spend all of the money right away (you can't save time)
  2. Whatever you spend it on, shows what has worth to you
     So, looking at the 2nd rule, you spend a lot of time doing regular things like getting ready in the morning, going to the bathroom, etc. ...
How much time are you spending on God?
God gave us this life money (time) and he can take it back-no refunds- but he won't because he also gave us the freedom to spend it on what we want.
God doesn't want the leftover cash.
He wants you to give your life money to him, so he'll make a deal with you. God's deal: "You give me all of your time [which I gave to you by the way] on earth, and once you have spent every last penny- I will give you eternity. So what do you say, the little bit of time you have for eternity with me?"
So what will you choose? Will you give him your all?
      My last page of notes is about the kind of relationship God wants to have with us.
Today people of the church seem to be all about order. They think "everything must be done perfectly, or God won't love us!"
     But does he really care that much about how we do our church service? (The answer is debatable, but that's not my point.) I don't think that that is really what God is after.
What he wants is our love, he wants us to talk with him, walk with him, and do anything and everything with him. God  doesn't want a forced, artificial love, he wants the real thing.
Forget the formalities, God isn't a god who stares down his nose at us, he is a god who looks us in the eye. He is with us all the time and wants to hear everything on our minds. Like King David, we can scream, argue, laugh/joke, cry, etc... at/with God-he doesn't mind. He just wants our focus!

So there is what I learned at Winterfest. Now, for the actual blog part: My experiences!
       In recent days I have read a handful of books that I could classify as action-romance. I have always loved the action parts, but now that I am older I enjoy a touch of romance too. For you lady readers out there-I'm sure you know what I mean. Well in in these romantic parts, the author will describe a "tingling sensation" that comes over the girl where ever the boy touches her when they are hugging and kissing. I do not know this as a fact, as I have not been in a romantic relationship before, but I think I understand this "tingling sensation".
Whenever I am singing to God in praise, I do my best to focus on the words and pour my soul into them, letting God know that I truly love him. I want to mean the words that I say and not just rattle of nonsense-ness. When I do this, my whole body feels a "tingling sensation" and I wonder, is this what it feels like to be touched by the one you love?
I have been feeling this sensation for over a year, but I felt it a lot over Winterfest because of the amount of singing we did.
      Another experience I had was a mixture of uncomfortableness, detachment, and just plain boredom. Let me elaborate: I was roomed with girls that I do not know very well. During free time, we have to stay with our [a] chaperon so I stayed with these girls. We walked around Gatlinburg for a bit, but then the other girls decided that they wanted to go get in line for seating early so that they could get front row seats. I, of course, had to stay with them for safety reasons. Once we got there, we met up with some of the guys in our youth group (also of whom I am not acquainted) who had the same idea, so we sat with them. We sat there for 2 hours!!! During this time they played a few games and tried their best to involve me, which I appreciated, but when some more people showed up from our youth group, it got kind of crowded and I was sort of pushed to the edge. These kids weren't trying to be rude on purpose, they just were hanging out with their friends that they had [probably] known since kindergarten and didn't stop to think about the newbie sitting on the sidelines. In a small way I am glad they didn't involve me because they were doing some crazy things such as jumping, punching, pinching, and many other things to each other that I do not do, yet I couldn't help but feel left out. Can you blame me?
     I sat there and observed these "brothers and sisters" of mine for a long while. It got me to thinking, "Am I like this? If a new person was sitting near me and my friends, would I be acting like this? Would I forget about their existence as soon as I saw a familiar face?" I pondered on this thought for a while and then came to the conclusion, "No, I would not be acting like this, but then again I don't normally act like this even around my friends. I would do my best to include the new person and find away to get them involved. If I have ever made a person feel the way I feel now, I am truly sorry." I go through this on many occasions- if I see someone acting in a manner I do not particularly like, then I try to stop and reflect. I look back and try to remember if I ever acted like that person and how it felt when I did, if I did. Then, I make plans for the future to not act like this person. I might make up scenarios that I would have the chance to act like this person but could also choose a better action. I highly suggest this form of reasoning, it has helped me become a better person and a better Christian.
     To make matters worse, I didn't even get a front row, no, not even a second or third row seat. When the great doors opened and we were allowed to rush to our seats with vigor I ran in right behind (note: behind) the group. The front row was already taken by the one group who was in front of us, so we started into the second row. The row filled up and a few people were even sitting on top of each other. And, get this, there was no room at the inn for me! There were no more seats left in the row. I stood there dumbfounded for a second, not wanting to believe that I had just patiently wasted all that time in line and not getting my reward; by the time I recovered and started looking for a seat nearby, maybe in the third row behind them, that I could take, the fifth row was already starting to be filled up. I looked back to the group, tears tearing at the back of my eyes, wanting to come out, and those on the end stared back at me, realizing the problem. "What should I do?!" I squeaked to them. Shrugging their shoulders, they looked away from me and took a dedicated interest in their shoes. It finally hit me that I wasn't going to get a front row seat; I had waited all that time in silence, bored out of my mind nonetheless, for nothing. I pressed on, "I mean, I don't want any of you to have to give up your seats for me to sit there, I am glad for you that you get to sit here, but what should I do? We aren't supposed to sit by ourselves, and I don't have anyone to sit with!" Again, the antsy group stared up at me and then looked away shrugging, not offering a single idea of what to do or even an, "I'm sorry." They just looked away from me like a diseased person and continued on. Oh, how I wanted to cry! I was distraught and lost and alone in an over crowded room. With out another word, I walked away trying to find at least one of my friends, hoping that they had a spare seat for me.
     I did find a seat next to a few girls that I had hung out with at church before. They weren't the best seats because you had to crane your neck to see either the stage or the big screens that projected what was happening on stage, yet I enjoyed the lesson, my un-shed tears subsided and eventually became a thing of the past. I wasn't the only one to want to cry that night. The girl sitting next to me started crying harshly, moved by lesson. She groped at the girl on her other side, yearning for someone to hold on to, as tears poured down her face like mini waterfalls. The other girl hugged her back, but then let go, not exactly sure what to do. Still crying, the girl turned to me and I reached out for her embrace as she reached out for mine. I held on to her fiercely and rubbed her back soothingly. I wanted her to know that I was there for her. She must have understood my unspoken message because then she gripped tighter onto me and we rocked back and forth with the tempo of the praise song starting up around us. I sang along, but still held on to her. We stood there clutching each other for the rest of the service.
     So, I guess good came out of my misfortune in the end. If I had sat in the front row, who would have held the teary eyed girl? God had a plan, and I am glad that he involved me!!

     Okay, enough about Winterfest...
Here is a short list of things I have accomplished in the past few weeks:
  1. I made it into the school musical, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat.(I'm only in the chorus, but that means I'll be on stage most of the time  :D)
  2. A piece of my artwork has been chosen to be displayed at the school bored office. (each school only gets 2 spots, and mine was chosen for 1 of them!)
  3. A piece of my writing has been chosen to go into a county-school book written by students (I'm going to  be in print!!!-every author's dream)
  4. I wrote a 480 word essay about why I will not do drugs or alcohol for an assignment, and mine was chosen among 2 others to be sent into a contest with cash prizes.
  5. My walk with Jesus, I am proud to say, is moving swimmingly, and my faith is growing rapidly.
And that about sums it up!!
Don't forget to leave comments!
Oh and thank you to those of you who actually read this thing despite its length, I am very thankful!!

North vs. South

Sorry for skipping out last week! Things just got so busy that I actually forgot to write something up!
Okay, as requested by a few of my readers:
I'd like to call this little tid-bit, "The Differences Between Up and Down"
 North  (Up)
Faster Life Styles- Almost everyone is almost always living in the fast lane and trying to get things done so fast that they forget to stop and sniff the roses (is that how the phrase goes?). They get up early and go to bed late, never taking the time to stop and see the beauty of life. (not pointing any fingers at you northerners up there!!)
 Car Production- Do I even need to say it? Up north they have GM, Ford, and other big car companies and factories. Down here-not so much.
 Restaurants- Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! How I miss coney islands and family diners!!!!!!!!!!!
 Weather- in the north there is A LOT of snow and it gets A LOT colder (for obvious reasons) and actually I think it gets warmer in the summer up in MI, but that's probably just me
 Economy- As I'm sure you know, the economy in the north isn't exactly "thriving"… Most of you know that better than I.

South (Down)
Slower Life Styles- actually, this accusation could be considered false, you might think that the south is all "Ride the horse to get to school and work, barbecues, and running around outside all the time", but in reality, life really isn't that different- we use cars to get around, we do have barbecues (but not all the time), nor do kids just run around all the time either. Most kids are sitting inside playing video games, watching movies, or listening to music.
 Car Production- We have Nisan!!!!! We have Nisan!!!!! (Although from our past experience with Nisan's Cube, my parents aren't real happy with them.)
 Restaurants- We have what you call  "Meat and 3" restaurants down here, here's how it works: you pick your main dish (the meat) and then you pick 3 sides. It is as simple as that.
 Weather- Rainy winters and springs, hot summers and bearable autumns- I like the weather down here!!!!!
 Economy- We are thriving down here!!! Lots of manufacturing, high tech industries,  and galore!! Not to mention TN being "the volunteer state"

So there are just a few differences that I have come across.
(I know this one is short, but I am having trouble thinking of anything to write about. Any suggestions will be appreciated.)
(Don't forget to leave comments!)

The Wizard of Oz

 Okay, as a request from anonymous readers, this blog will be more about me and my life. Now first off, I do not want to sound self centered in any way because I am running on and on about myself, so if it looks like I am, please know that I don't mean to look self centered! 
   So, here we go:
   To be honest with you all, the move from Michigan to Tennessee was hard, at first. I left everything I had ever know: friends, family, school, even the atmosphere (not the scientific kind with air and stuff, but the kind when you feel when you are at home or at peace, the feeling you get when you think everything is in its place and as it should be). I left it all to come to an unfamiliar place, a place where almost everything was different: the way people spoke, drove, acted, and the way of life down here, it was all so confusing and hard to tell up from down (figuratively, not literally). I'd like to say that I was traumatized by the horrific situation I found myself in so much that I threw my hands up to God asking for help and putting my life fully in his care, and by doing that, I came to be closer to him. I'd like to say that, but that isn't exactly what happened. What happened can be stated in a simple sentence: I adjusted to it. Now, there was a time when I freaked out about it all, but I quickly dismissed the thought, realizing that God was in control and what ever happened was part of his big plan. So,  I did put my trust in God and I did become closer to him, but I did not fall on my knees and cry out to him or anything like that. I just accepted that "this is the way it is" and "this is the way God wants it, or at least, this is what he is allowing to happen... good things will come out of it the end." (Just think of Joseph and his coat of many colors, you'll understand that I have confidence in my theory because it has been proven in the bible.)
   I do my best to think like that now, always trying to keep a positive attitude, even in bad situations, keeping in mind, that He is the author of my life. (Interesting perspective from my mind: I love to think about God as an author, because, well, I know the what it feels like to be an author and I can make connections between an author and God. An author, you see, gets to decide who the characters are and shape them into perfect heroes or sidekicks or whatever by giving them the right personality and such, they choose what the characters do and how they do it and where they do it, and pretty much every other aspect of the story. Thinking of these characteristics, it reminds me of God. He made us, like an author makes characters; He is in control of our lives and can give us the perfect "background" that will prepare us for what ever we will have to face, just like an author; He decides how and where we'll do what ever we are supposed to do, for example, if God needs us to be in a certain place at a certain time, He'll have other things happen around us to get us there, whether it's a broken down car or moving to a new place or something entirely different. And if you really want to look at a bigger picture, know that the things that you do effect other people's lives too. God is the author and the world is His book. We are the characters and everything we do affects others and creates a chain reaction of things that we might never know about. It's hard to get your mind around, I know, but it's just another way to look at the big picture.)
   Anyway, I try to keep in mind that everything and anything happening to and around me is happening for a reason. Now, after 2 years, I am only just begging to see why I was "relocated" and what I was sent here to do. I have made many friends and I am determined to touch their lives in some way, big or small, that will somehow bring them closer to God. I'm reaching out and trying to look at the big picture. Hopefully I will be able to touch someone and inspire them. I want to be able to knock down the first domino and create a chain reaction, changing someone's life for the better. You see, the way I look at it, I've been baptized so I have been saved and will continue my search for the King, but on the way I want to pick up stranglers and help them in the right direction.
    This might sound strange, but the Wizard Of Oz comes to mind when I think about this. Picture this: I am Dorothy, and I want to find the wizard (aka God) because only he can give me something that no one else can give (in Dorothy's case it is a ride home, but for this illustration I'll say that it is to fill the God-shaped hole in my heart that can't be filled by anything else but him), so I am going to follow the yellow brick road (aka the path to righteousness). Along the way I'll meet up with the scarecrow, tin man, and cowardly lion (aka friends) who also need something from the wizard. We all follow the yellow brick road together and help each other out (aka building each other up-like the bible says to do). The Wicked Witch of the West (aka Satin) will try to stop us, but our longing for the wizard will keep us going until we reach the Emerald City (aka heaven) and are with the wizard. In the end, our hearts will be satisfied and we will have received the gift which only the wizard can give (aka love, life, etc...) and we will be with the wizard for eternity (okay, I know, that last part isn't in the movie/book, but just go with it).
   So that is my insight on the topic. Bottom line is: God is in control!
I hope you enjoyed this blog, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave comments!!! Tell me what you think or ask questions that I can answer in my next blog. As the blogger, writer, person (is there an official title for this description?!) I'd like some feedback from my dear readers!
   Thank you all!!