Sunday, October 2, 2011

Killed By Happiness From April 20, 2011

    Hello Readers! I know I haven't posted anything in a looooooong time, and I'm sorry. I don't really have time to write anything now, so here is a draft I started way back when I was in 8th grade. (It's hard to believe that that was only a few months ago!) I just re-read it and it sure lifted my spirits. I hope it lifts yours up too. Enjoy!


      Have you ever had one of those days where you just can't stop smiling? Where you can't help but bounce up and down, whether you are sitting or not? Where every minute of the day brings you even more joy than the last? Where you thought you might be breaking a law by being so ecstatic? Where your friends specifically say to you, "You just killed me with your optimistic attitude."?
     Well... I think I just had one of those days. Maybe not exactly like what I just described, but very close. Very close indeed.
     It all started... well I don't actually remember when it started. I just know that at least half way through the day I became so excited about school, life, and everything in general. Let me try to explain:

     At around 4th period (American History) I started smiling. We've been working on this flip-book on steroids thing, called a portfolio, about the Civil War. I showed a small portion of what I had finished to my teacher at the end of class, and she asked me if she could keep it after she graded it to use as an example for next year. Those words brought a HUGE smile to my face. I love it when a teacher likes my work enough to want to show it to others. Doesn't every one? I guess that's why I always put my best into almost EVERYTHING I do. Anyways, I said yes and then headed off to lunch.
     After lunch, came science class, and I was elated with our new activity. We will be making bottle rockets fueled by air and water over the next few days. Flashback: Before school started, Mom, Dad, and I all went to this orientation thing where we walked around the school to meet my teachers. The teachers gave a short speech about their goals for the year. My science teacher made one small remark during his: "...launch some stuff..." Ever since then, my dad has been pestering me about when my class would be launching something. I was so excited that I would get to tell him about our new rocket gig.
     Next was the class my friends dread: reading. I enjoy reading class, although I do agree that some of the requirements we are expected to achieve do seem a little irritating. My teacher told us that for the rest of the year we would be working on Greek Mythology, which is one thing that I love. (Call out to my cousin -J- who sparked my passion for Greek Mythology!! love ya!) We were put into groups, assigned a character (most of them unheard of) that we will write a skit about, and preform them in front of the class at the end of the year. I am so excited!!! Unfortunately, my group consists of mostly shy people. We will have to work with that, but I am determined to make an epic play about our character.
     Finally, ELA, or English Language Arts, started. We will be doing a research paper on our reading class topics. This makes it easier on us students so that we only have to research one topic. I can't wait to start my research!! Not only did we talk about the research papers, but we also started a short and simple expository essay. I only completed my introductory paragraph by the end of the class period, but it did take up over half of the page!! I showed it to my teacher, who replied by asking me to contact her when I would have my first book signing as that I am destined to become an author--another  compliment that made me smile!
     Well, my day isn't finished yet. The last thing I want to tell you about is something that many people would find disappointment in--rain. It started sprinkling on the way home from the Mexican restaurant that Dad and I had eaten dinner at. I enjoyed a beautiful light show in the sky as we drove, and by the time we got home, raindrops were making their way down from the heavens to the ground. I stood outside when I let my dog out, and let the droplets hit me in the face. I thanked the Lord for such an amazing day and prayed that he would help me be the person he made me to be. I felt refreshed and bright as I came back inside tonight; I still do.
     So, have you ever had a day where you killed everyone around you with your happiness? Where they just couldn't believe how you could be so cheery? That evil turned and ran when it realized that you were untouchable because of the radiance you let off? If not, I pray that God will allow you to enjoy such a pleasure. Keep your chin up, even in those hopeless moments of the day where it seems like the world is falling down around you. Smile at the hard times and know that they will eventually be a thing of the past. Do your best to live righteously, and I'm sure that good things will follow.

Thanks for reading!!!
Don't forget to leave comments, and if you aren't sure about what to write, try reading one of my previous blogs, "Comments" !!!
Again, thank you!!!

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